E+A galaxies are characterized as a galaxy with strong Balmer absorption
lines but without any [OII] or H$\alpha$ emission lines. The existence of
strong Balmer absorption lines means that E+A galaxies have experienced a
starburst within the last $<$1-1.5 gigayear. However, the lack of [OII] or
H$\alpha$ emission lines indicates that E+A galaxies do not have any on-going
star formation. Therefore, E+A galaxies are interpreted as a post-starburst
Morphologically, E+A galaxies appear as early-type galaxies, implying E+A
galaxies may be one of the progenitors of present-day elliptical galaxies.
However, there remained other possibilities such as the dusty starburst
scenario, where E+A galaxies have on-going star formation, but optical emission
lines are invisible due to the heavy obscuration by dust. Therefore, an
additional evidence of the post-starburst phenomena has been eagerly awaited.
Using one of the largest samples of 451 E+A galaxies carefully selected from
the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4, here we show the abundance
diagnosis of E+A galaxies using Mg and Fe lines. Our findings are as follows
:(i) E+A galaxies has enhanced $\alpha$-element abundance ratio compared to the
star-forming galaxies with similar Balmer absorption strength. Since the
truncation of strong starburst is required to enhance the alpha element ratio,
this is an additional evidence that E+A galaxies are in the post-starburst
phase; (ii) the metallicity and $\alpha$-element abundance of E+A galaxies are
consistent with those of elliptical galaxies, suggesting that E+A galaxies
could be one of the progenitors of present-day elliptical galaxies in terms of
chemical abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA