A method for at least a tenfold enhancement of the resolution of optical spectrum analysers (OSAs) is proposed and numerically demonstrated. The light to be measured is reflected from a sampled fibre Bragg grating (SFBG) consisting of N apodised equally spaced gratings. Recording 2N + 1 reflected spectra by an OSA for different temperatures of the SFBG and performing simple processing, the spectrum with improved resolution is obtained.Introduction: Optical spectrum analysers (OSAs) based on diffraction gratings have widespread applications owing to their wide spectral and power dynamic ranges, and high power accuracy. The resolution of such OSAs is limited to date to 10 pm. Resolution enhancement is required in many applications, for instance, for the characterisation of ultra-narrow optical filters [1]; in spectro-temporal imaging applied for the measurement of ultra-short optical waveforms [2 -4]; and for monitoring ultra-dense wavelength-division multiplexed networks in optical communication [5]. One of the ways of resolution enhancement is spectral deconvolution, for instance, by using the least squares procedure [6], B-splines [6], Tikhonov's regularisation method [7] or Gold's iterative algorithm [8]. The wavelength sampling rate must correspond to the improved spectral resolution [8]. However, only the mathematical treatment of the measured spectrum does not result in significant resolution enhancement. Spectral magnification, analogous to spatial and temporal ones, was proposed [9] and experimentally implemented [10] with a magnification factor of 105, but the maximum spectral range was only 14 GHz. A method based on periodic spectral modulation of the spectrum to be measured has recently been proposed [11]. This technique is an extension of the methods applied for spatial and temporal measurements [12] to the spectral domain. In this Letter we propose a modification of the spectral modulation method [11] that substantially simplifies the measurement, processing of experimental data and calibration of the system.