Abstraet. The Bayesian point of view of the linear regression model is used to deal with some minimax problems. New tools for spectral theory make it possible to give an alternative equivalence of the Bayesian and the minimax approach.
Mathematics SubjectClassification (1991): 62J05. We consider the linear model ~, = x ~, + ~,, z~ = o, E~' = z~ (1) under the circular constraints 9 ~ ~ = {~ ~ Rk: ~'9 ~ 1}.More general linear models can be brought into this form by reparametrization and transformation (Drygas, 1991(Drygas, , 1996). The B~B-minimax linear estimator (B~B-MILE) is obtained by minimizing sup E(II B(Cu + d -p) 112), (3) /36~where B C •m×k, rank(B) = m, G' E R~×n, d E Ii~k×l. Only m = 1 gives an elementary formula, the ridge estimator (see Kuks and Olman, 1972). Pilz (1986) has shown that d = 0 is the optimal choice, since ~3 is symmetric. In this paper, we deal with the case m = k. The more general case m <~ k will be dealt with in a subsequent paper.