Abstract. Progress in understanding'the condensation of planetary constituents from a solar nebula necessitates a re-examination of models for the origin and composition of the Earth. All models which appear to be viable require the Earth to have an Fe-FeS core and the full, or nearly full, solar (i.e. chondritic) K/Si ratio. The crust and upper mantle do not contain the requisite potassium for the entire Earth to have the solar K/Si ratio. Therefore, these models require that much of the Earth's potassium, about 80-90 ~, must be in the deep interior -in the lower mantle or in the core.The hypothesis that a substantial fraction of the Earth's potassium is in the Fe-FeS core is based on the chalcophilic behavior of potassium. Data including the stability of K2S, the Occurrence of potassium in sulfide phases in meteorites and in metallurgical systems, and most importantly, experiments on potassium partitioning between solid silicates and Fe-FeS melts support this hypothesis. The present data appear to require at least several percent of the Earth's total potassium to be in the core. Incorporation of mucff larger amounts of potassium into the core, poasibly most of the 80-90 % of the Earth's potassium which is postulated to be in the deep interior, is not contradicted by the present data. Additional experimental data, at high pressures, are required before quantitative estimates of the core's potassium content can be made.It is likely that 4~ is a significant heat source in the core. Decay of 4~ is, a plausible energy source to drive core convection to maintain the geomagnetic field, and to drive mantle convection and seafloor spreading.