We analyse the two longitudinal mode threshold of a solid-state Fabry-Perot laser with a spatially nonuniform pump for two configurations: an end-pumped laser and a laser with a partially filled cavity. The threshold is derived in a consistent way. We prove that inhomogeneous pumping or partial filling of the cavity hardly modify the two-mode threshold.Keywords: Laser, multimode, rate equations, stability, nonuniform pump Oscillation thresholds are important characteristics of a laser. The single-mode regime, for instance, is bounded from below by the laser first oscillation threshold and from above by the two-mode threshold. Tang, Statz and deMars [1] (TSD) have introduced a widely used theory for Fabry-Perot lasers based on the rate equations approximation. Using this theory for homogeneously broadened lasers, the single-mode intensity I = w 2 −2+ 2 + w 2 /4 where w is the optical pump parameter normalized to unity at the lasing first threshold, is found to be the stable steady-state solution above the laser first threshold and below the two-mode laser threshold given bywhere γ is the linear gain of mode 2 divided by the linear gain of mode 1 [2,3]. The obvious problem with this result is that it is meaningless for γ 1/2. To be more specific, the TSD rate equations are ordinary differential equations resulting from a moment expansion of a set of global or integro-differential rate equations, also derived by TSD. The difficulty in deriving the moment equations is related to the spatial distribution of the population inversion, which has small scale variations associated with hole burning as well as large scale variations which are usually associated with longitudinal pump nonuniformity [3,4]. The TSD rate equations completely neglect the large scale variations. A generalization of the TSD equations which includes both fluctuation scales has been proposed [5].It was shown recently [2] that for a laser in a Fabry-Perot resonator with a constant intracavity pump profile, the spurious divergences resulting from the TSD rate equations, such as in (1), disappear if the full integro-differential rate equations are used, leading to the implicit equation for w th : 4w th − 1 − 8w th + 1 (γ +2−2γ w th ) 2 = 16γ (γ w th −1).(2) The purpose of this paper is to extend the result (2) to a Fabry-Perot laser subjected to a inhomogeneous pump. The problem of determining the single longitudinal mode boundary taking properly into account the population inversion grating (i.e. spatial hole burning) was analysed for the first time in [6]. However, the result obtained in that paper relies on an inconsistent use of assumptions for the slow spatial variation of the pump compared with cavity mode variations. The case of end-pumping has also been considered [7] though with the same shortcomings as in [6]. A recent paper [8] also deals with end-pumped lasers and contains an analysis of the two-mode threshold problem, but under a set of simplifying assumptions. Chief among these assumptions is the requirement that multimode operat...