Spontaneous parametric processes pumped transversely with short pulses are studied under a unified framework, which proves that such processes can efficiently generate entangled photon pairs with time anticorrelation and frequency correlation. Improvements upon previously proposed schemes can be made by the use of quasi-phase-matching, four-wave mixing, and cross-phase-modulation compensation. The use of frequencycorrelated photons in the Hung-Ou-Mandel interferometer is studied. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.043806 PACS number͑s͒: 42.65.Lm, 42.50.Dv It has recently been proven that if the three-wave-mixing ͑TWM͒ or four-wave-mixing ͑FWM͒ parametric process is transversely pumped with short pulses in a long and thin nonlinear medium, parametric amplification can be performed, with time reversal and spectral phase conjugation ͑SPC͒ ͓1,2͔. The correspondence between classical parametric amplification and quantum entanglement makes one wonder if spontaneous SPC can perform the opposite of what its continuous-wave-pumped counterpart does, and realize time anticorrelation or frequency correlation. This distinct kind of entanglement is useful for applications such as quantumenhanced position and clock synchronization ͓3͔ and oneway autocompensating quantum cryptography ͓4͔. Various implementations of such entanglement have been suggested ͓5,6͔, and the scheme proposed by Walton et al. ͓6͔ looks intriguingly similar to the TWM scheme for SPC ͓1͔. On the other hand, while TWM is traditionally the preferred method to generate entangled photons, recent experimental progress on entangled photon sources using third-order nonlinear processes ͓7,8͔ makes FWM a promising candidate for such a task. In this paper, we prove that spontaneous SPC, by either TWM or FWM, can indeed efficiently generate timeanticorrelated and frequency-correlated photon pairs.Our proposed schemes have several key improvements over that in Ref. ͓6͔, and make coincident frequency entanglement much more realizable. First, it is unclear in Ref.͓6͔ how phase matching should be achieved. We propose the incorporation of quasi-phase-matching to satisfy the requirement. Second, we suggest an alternative FWM scheme, which can be more efficient with focused femtosecond pump beams. Third, for good efficiency, cross-phase modulation due to the strong pump becomes a large parasitic effect for both schemes. We introduce the use of pump phase modulation to compensate for cross-phase modulation. We also perform an in-depth Heisenberg analysis of the spontaneous SPC schemes, predicting that a high gain is possible with current technology. The high gain enables the generation of large-photon-number frequency-correlated states, which are interesting for their use in nonlocal-dispersion cancellation and noise-reduction experiments ͓9͔.Lastly we investigate the use of frequency-correlated photons generated by our proposed schemes in the Hong-OuMandel ͑HOM͒ interferometer ͓10͔, subject to temporal delays, dispersion, frequency shifts, and temporal phase modulation. Quantum-d...