Phasor approach to fluorescence lifetime microscopy is used to study development of fibrosis in the unilateral ureteral obstruction model (UUO) of kidney in mice. Traditional phasor analysis has been modified to create a multiparametric analysis scheme that splits the phasor points in four equidistance segments based on the height of peak of the phasor distribution and calculates six parameters including average phasor positions, the shape of each segment, the angle of the distribution and the number of points in each segment. These parameters are used to create a spectrum of twenty four points specific to the phasor distribution of each sample. Comparisons of spectra from diseased and healthy tissues result in quantitative separation and calculation of statistical parameters including AUC values, positive prediction values and sensitivity. This is a new method in the evolving field of analyzing phasor distribution of FLIM data and provides further insights. Additionally, the progression of fibrosis with time is detected using this multiparametric approach to phasor analysis. Bertram, and S. D. Ricardo, "Renal structural and functional repair in a mouse model of reversal of ureteral obstruction," J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 16(12), 3623-3630 (2005). 11. T. P. Martin, G. Norris, G. McConnell, and S. Currie, "A novel approach for assessing cardiac fibrosis using label-free second harmonic generation," Int.