We prove that minimal area-preserving flows locally given by a smooth Hamiltonian on a closed surface of genus g ≥ 2 are typically (in the measure-theoretical sense) not mixing. The result is obtained by considering special flows over interval exchange transformations under roof functions with symmetric logarithmic singularities and proving absence of mixing for a full measure set of interval exchange transformations.
Definitions and main results1.1. Flows given by multi-valued Hamiltonians. Let us consider the following natural construction of area-preserving flows on surfaces. On a closed connected orientable surface S of genus g ≥ 1 with a fixed smooth area form ω, consider a smooth closed real-valued differential 1-form η. Let X be the vector field determined by η = i X ω = ω(η, ·) and consider the flow {ϕ t } t∈R on S associated to X. Since η is closed, the transformations ϕ t , t ∈ R, are areapreserving. The flow {ϕ t } t∈R is known as the multi-valued Hamiltonian flow associated to η. Indeed, the flow {ϕ t } t∈R is locally Hamiltonian; i.e., locally one can find coordinates (x, y) on S in which it is given by the solution to the equationsẋ = ∂H/∂y,ẏ = −∂H/∂x for some smooth real-valued Hamiltonian function H. A global Hamiltonian H cannot be in general be defined (see [NZ99, §1.3.4]), but one can think of {ϕ t } t∈R as globally given by a multi-valued Hamiltonian function.The study of flows given by multi-valued Hamiltonians was initiated by S. P. Novikov [Nov82] in connection with problems arising in solid-state physics i.e., the motion of an electron in a metal under the action of a magnetic field. The orbits of such flows arise also in pseudo-periodic topology, as hyperplane sections of periodic surfaces in T n (see e.g. Zorich [Zor99]).From the point of view of topological dynamics, a decomposition into minimal components (i.e., subsurfaces on which the flow is minimal) and periodic components on which all orbits are periodic (elliptic islands around a center and cylinders filled by periodic orbits) was proved independently by Maier