Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have become increasingly useful
in recent
years for their roles in nanomedicine, cellular biology, energy storage
and conversion, photocatalysis, and more. At the single-particle level,
AuNPs have heterogeneous physical and chemical properties which are
not resolvable in ensemble measurements. In the present study, we
developed an ultrahigh-throughput spectroscopy and microscopy imaging
system for characterization of AuNPs at the single-particle level
using phasor analysis. The developed method enables quantification
of spectra and spatial information on large numbers of AuNPs with
a single snapshot of an image (1024 × 1024 pixels) at high temporal
resolution (26 fps) and localization precision (sub-5 nm). We characterized
the localized surface plasmonic resonance (SPR) scattering spectra
of gold nanospheres (AuNSs) of four different sizes (40–100
nm). Comparing to the conventional optical grating method which suffers
low efficiency in characterization due to spectral interference caused
by nearby nanoparticles, the phasor approach enables high-throughput
analysis of single-particle SPR properties in high particle density.
Up to 10-fold greater efficiency of single-particle spectro-microscopy
analysis using the spectra phasor approach when compared to a conventional
optical grating method was demonstrated.