Motivated by the recent progress in time-resolved nonequilibrium spectroscopy in condensed matter, we study an optically excited one-dimensional ionic Hubbard model by exact diagonalization. The model is relevant to organic crystals, transition metal oxides, or ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We implement numerical pump-probe measurements to calculate time-dependent conductivity and single-particle spectral functions. In general, short optical excitation induces a metallic behavior imprinted as a Drude peak in conductivity or an in-gap density of states. In a Mott insulator, we find that the induced Drude peak oscillates at the pump frequency and its second harmonic. The former comes from the oscillation of currents, and the latter from the interference of single-and three-photon excited states. In a band insulator, the Drude peak oscillates only at the pump frequency, and quantities such as the double occupancy do not oscillate. The absence of the second harmonic oscillation is due to the degeneracy of multi-photon excited states. The in-gap density of states in both insulators correlates with the Drude weight and the energy absorption for weak pumping. Strong pumping leads to saturation of the in-gap density of states and to suppression of the Drude weight in the Mott regime. We have also checked that the above features are robust for insulators in the intermediate parameter range. Our study demonstrates the distinct natures of the multi-photon excited states in two different insulators.Alternatively, we can regard it as a variant of the Falicov-Kimball model [41] where f-electrons are chargeordered and frozen. Here we ignore the dynamics of the underlying objects that give the staggered modulation. This means that our results are relevant to experimental data for a short period of time before the ionic motion sets in; the model serves as a starting point for further investigation with dynamical phonons. There is also an experimental realization of the model in ultracold atoms [42].We employ an exact diagonalization method to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, and implement numerical pump-probe measurements to obtain time-dependent conductivity [43-45] and singleparticle spectral functions [46,47]. Short optical pulses applied to a Mott insulator (MI) or a band insulator (BI) make the system metallic, which is indicated by a nonzero Drude peak in conductivity. We find that the Drude peak oscillates at the pump frequency in both cases, while also at the second harmonic in the MI. The second harmonic oscillation in the Mott regime is explained by a constructive interference of single-and three-photon excited states. We have confirmed that the distinct dynamic behaviors still appear for intermediate cases unless the energy gap becomes too small. The relation between the in-gap density of states and the Drude weight is also discussed.The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, an ionic Hubbard model is introduced. Section 3 is devoted to the details of the exact diagonalization method and pump...