We consider finite volume effects on the electromagnetic form factor of the pion. We compute the peudoscalar-vector-pseudoscalar correlator in the ϵ expansion of chiral perturbation theory up to the nextto-leading order and find a way to remove the dominant part, which comes from a contribution of the pion zero mode. Inserting nonzero momentum to relevant operators (or taking a subtraction of the correlators at different time slices), and taking an appropriate ratio of them, one can automatically cancel the zero mode's contribution, which becomes nonperturbatively large, ∼Oð100%Þ, in the ϵ regime. The remaining finite volume dependence, which comes from the nonzero momentum modes, is shown to be perturbatively small even in such an extremal case. Since the zero mode's dominance is universal in any finite volume scaling, and we do not rely on any particular feature of the ϵ expansion, our method has a wide application to many other correlators of QCD.