Abstract. We give formulas for the density of the measure of orthogonality for orthonormal polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients. The formulas involve limits of appropriately scaled Turán determinants or Christoffel functions. Exact asymptotics of the polynomials and numerical examples are also provided.
IntroductionConsider a sequence (p n : n ∈ N) of polynomials defined by(1)for sequences a = (a n : n ∈ N) and b = (b n : n ∈ N) satisfying a n > 0 and b n ∈ R. The sequence (1) is orthonormal in L 2 (µ) for a Borel measure µ on the real line. We are interested in the case when the sequence a is unbounded and the measure µ is unique.When it holds, we want to find conditions on the sequences a and b assuring absolute continuity of µ and a constructive formula for its density. In the case when the sequences a and b are bounded, there are several approaches to an approximation of the density of µ. One is obtained by means of N -shifted Turán determinants, i.e. expressions of the formfor positive N (see [19,8,24]). Another by Christoffel functions, i.e.(see [18,23]).2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 42C05.