“…Plot Certainty Equivalance Graphs % Figure subplot (2,1,1) plot(beta,zeros(length(beta)),'k-') hold on plot(beta,CEeqwt,'k-') % plot CE with different level of risk averse xlabel('Beta (Risk aversion)') ylabel('Certainty Equivalence (CE)') title('CE Graphs') subplot(2,1,1) plot(beta,CEMV,'k.-') subplot(2,1,1) plot(beta,CECVaR,'k-x') subplot(2,1,1) plot(beta,CEUtil,'k-','linewidth',1.5) % plot CE with different subplot (2,1,2) plot(beta,zeros(length(beta)),'k-') hold on plot(beta,CEeqwtRf,'k-') % plot CE with different level of risk averse xlabel('Beta (Risk aversion)') ylabel('Certainty Equivalence (CE)') title('CE Graphs with Rf') subplot(2,1,2) plot(beta,CEMVRf,'k.-') subplot(2,1,2) plot(beta,CECVaRRf,'k-x') subplot(2,1,2) plot(beta,CEUtilRf,'k-','linewidth',1.5)% plot CE with different % %III.3. Plot Comparing Returns of Optimal portfolio obtained from three methods Figure …”