Let T : X → X be a bounded operator on Banach space, whose spectrum σ(T ) is included in the closed unit disc D. Assume that the peripheral spectrum σ(T ) ∩ T is finite and that T satisfies a resolvent estimateWe prove that T admits a bounded polygonal functional calculus, that is, an estimate φ(T ) sup{|φ(z)| : z ∈ ∆} for some polygon ∆ ⊂ D and all polynomials φ, in each of the following two cases : (i) either X = L p for some 1 < p < ∞, and T : L p → L p is a positive contraction; (ii) or T is polynomially bounded and for all ξ ∈ σ(T ) ∩ T, there exists a neighborhood V of ξ such that the setX is arbitrary). Each of these two results extends a theorem of de Laubenfels concerning polygonal functional calculus on Hilbert space. Our investigations require the introduction, for any finite set E ⊂ T, of a notion of Ritt E operator which generalises the classical notion of Ritt operator. We study these Ritt E operators and their natural functional calculus.