Motivated by the optoelectronic applications
of lead halide perovskites
(LHPs), researchers have paid considerable attention to their photoexcited-state
dynamics, where the coupling
between the electronic and nuclear dynamics is pronounced. Here, we
present simulations of the photoexcited-state dynamics of representative
lead iodide perovskites, CsPbI3 and MAPbI3 (MA
= CH3NH3), by adopting nonadiabatic molecular
dynamics combined with the linear-response time-dependent density-functional
tight-binding (LR-TD-DFTB) method, an efficient excited-state calculation
framework. In the calculations, the electronic wave function and the
nuclear coordinates were propagated in a mutually dependent manner.
The results suggest that the excited LHPs undergo exciton dissociation,
hot carrier cooling, and polaron formation on similar time scales.
In particular, the decay of the carrier energy is attributed to not
only the relaxation toward the band edge but also the change in orbital
energy originating from the structural deformation, highlighting the
importance of coupling between the electronic and nuclear degrees
of freedom.