The hybrid architecture of the Timepix (TPX) family of detectors enables the use of
different semiconductor sensors, most commonly silicon (Si), as well as high-density materials
such as Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) or Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). For this purpose, we explore the
potential of a silicon carbide (SiC) sensor bump-bonded on a Timepix3 detector as a radiation
imaging and particle tracking detector. SiC stands as a radiation-hard material also with the
ability to operate at elevated temperatures up to several hundreds of degrees Celsius. As a
result, this sensor material is more suitable for radiation harsh environments compared to
conventional e.g., Si sensors. In this work, we evaluate the response for precise radiation
spectrometry and high-resolution particle tracking of newly developed SiC Timepix3 detector which
is built and operated as a compact radiation camera MiniPIX-Timepix3 with integrated readout
electronics. Calibration measurements were conducted with mono-energetic proton beams with
energies of 13, 22, and 31 MeV at the U-120M cyclotron at the Nuclear Physics Institute Czech
Academy of Science (NPI CAS), Prague, as well as 100 and 226 MeV at the Proton Therapy Center
Czech (PTC) in Prague. High-resolution pattern recognition analysis and single-particle spectral
tracking are used for detailed inspection and understanding of the sensor response. Results
include distributions of deposited energy and linear energy transfer (LET) spectra. The spatial
uniformity of the pixelated detector response is examined in terms of homogeneously distributed
deposited energy.