The rotational spectra of NiCO and PdCO in the ground and ν(2) excited vibrational states were observed by employing a source-modulated microwave spectrometer. The NiCO and PdCO molecules were generated in a free space cell by the sputtering reaction of nickel and palladium sheets, respectively, lining the inner surface of a stainless steel cathode with a dc glow plasma of CO and Ar. The molecular constants of NiCO and PdCO were determined by least-squares analysis. By force field analysis for the molecular constants of not only NiCO and PdCO but also of PtCO as previously reported, the harmonic force constants were determined for these three group 10 metal monocarbonyls. The vibrational wavenumbers derived for the lower M-C stretching vibrations were in good agreement with those obtained from the IR spectra in noble gas matrices and those predicted by several quantum chemical calculations published in the past. The bending vibrational wavenumbers derived by the force field analysis were also consistent with most quantum chemical calculations previously reported, but showed systematic discrepancies from the matrix IR values by about 40 cm(-1), even after reassignment (ν(2) band → 2ν(2) band) of the matrix IR spectra of PdCO and PtCO.