An adaptation of the copper spark excitation method of spectrochemical analysis is presented for the determination of boron and strontium in reactor waters. The Intensities of the analytical lines BII‐3451.41A and SrII‐4077.714A were determined photometrically and related to the concentrations of B and Sr.
The method covers the ranges 5 × 10−7 to 7.5 × 10−6% and 2.5 × 10−7 to 5 × 10−6% for B and Sr respectively. The method was extended to lower concentrations by five superimposed exposures (the limits of detection then being 10−7% for B and 5 × 10−8% for Sr), and it can be extended even further, when necessary, by use of a greater concentration factor and/or mote superimposed exposures. The method is simple and rapid, and yet adequately sensitive and precise. The coefficients of variation for single determinations of B and St content are about 10% and 14% respectively.