HI.: authors' company is investigating the untlerlying c:iuses T of fireside deposit formation in high-duty boiler units, and emphasis has been placed on these causes as they are related to coal and coal ash rhemist,ry. The most promising approach toward reducing the time required for the many necessary analyws Ltppeared to be through t,he development of quantitative sprctrographic nic.thods for determining sodium and potassium, the constituent,< \rliic.h apparently are a cause of the deposit difficulties. Flame, photometric methods for det,ermining thr a1lc:tli met:tlr have bern populitr. but have the disadvantage of requiring a prior dissolution of the sample. Helz ( 7 ) and Helz anti Scrihnrr ( 8 ) have described methods for determining the alk:ili grouy) elemc,nts in portlarid cement using both silver and cohtlt :is irit,ernal rt:tndarcts. Other workerst in malyzing cracking catalysts (4) :xiid c~t l~ ( 9 ) , h:tvc, relied upon rxternal standards for qu:trit i t.:ttivr c:dil)r:itions This l ) : t p (~ describes a spectrographic method of determining sodium ;inti potmsium in coal ashes over a range of 0.3 to 5.0%.