The major methodological developments in CE related to inorganic analysis are overviewed. This is an update to a previous review article by the author (Timerbaev, A. R., Electrophoresis 2004, 25, 4008-4031) and it covers the review work and innovative research papers published between January 2004 and the first part of 2006. As was underlined in that review, a growing interest of analytical community in providing elemental speciation information found a sound response of the CE method developers. Presently, almost every second research paper in the field of interest deals with element species analysis, the use of inductively coupled plasma MS detection and biochemical applications being the topics of utmost research efforts. On the other hand, advances in general methodology traditionally centered on a CE system modernization for improvements in sensitivity and separation selectivity have attracted less attention over the review period. While there is no indication that inorganic ion applications would surpass by the developmental rate the more matured analysis of organic analytes, CE can now be seen as an analytical technique to be before long customary in a number of inorganic analysis arenas.