Keywords Lignin analysis Organosolv lignin Molccular wcight (Mini, Mw and MWD) dctcrminations Hilücbrand's solubility paramctcr Sawdust Pinus caribaea hondurensis
SummaryLignin from Pinus caribaea hondurensis sawdust (pre-extracted with bcnzenc/mcthanol 1:1) was obtaincd by pulping using ninc diffcrent organic solvcnts (in 9:1 mixturcs with 2.0 N HC1 aqucous Solutions) in a stainlcss stcel rcactor at 125 °C for six hours.Thc obtaincd lignins wcrc charactcrizcd by chcmical analysis (clcmcntal analysis, mcthoxyl and phcnolic hydroxyl groups) and by infrarcd spcctroscopy. Morcovcr, the avcrage molccular wcights (Mn, Mw and MWD) werc dctcrmincd by vapor phasc osmomctry and high pcrformancc-size exclusion chromatography and shown thrcc diffcrent pattcrns according to thc solvent mixturcs cmploycd. The yields of lignin dcpcnd on the acccssibility and nuclcophilicity of thc solvcnts äs well äs on thc lignin solubility, and are rclatcd to thc Hildcbrand's solubility paramctcrs ( ) of the solvent mixturcs. The plot of lignin yields against 6 show a charactcristic "Bell shapc" curvc wilh maximum at 23 MPa l/2 corrcsponding to thc lignin solubility paramctcr.
IntroductionPulping processes can be divided into three main groups, depending on the solvent System employed: -Aqueous processes: These pulping processes use water äs solvent and inorganic reagents to cleave the protolignin to water soluble fragments. The inorganic reagents are generally used in high concentrations and the processes are carried out at high temperatures and pressures. -Organosolv processes: These processes use organic solvents, commonly in association with water and, in the most cases, an acid catalyst. In the acid catalyzed organosolv processes, water acts äs nucleophilic agent and reacts with reactive centers (which have been activated by the catalyst) in the protolignin. Organosolv processes generally use lower temperatures and pressures than the aqueous processes, and differ from in the recovery of the Chemicals, in organosolv processes only the solvent has to be recovered. -Mixed processes: The solubilization power of the organic solvents can be used in association with water and inorganic reagents producing mixed processes. These Systems are also performed at high temperatures and pressures and the inorganic reagents have to be recovered due to economical reasons. Organosolv processes making use of alkaline reagents are included in this group.