A 1-kW hydrazine arcjet thruster has been modi ed for internal probing of the anode sheath boundary layer with an array of 14 electrostatic microprobes ush mounted into the anode body. Axial and azimuthal distributions of the plasma properties oating potential, anode sheath potential, wall current density, electron number density, and electron temperature have been obtained for arc currents between 7.8 and 10.6 A and propellant ow rates of 40-60 mg/s. The speci c power ranged from 18.8 to 27.4 MJ/ kg. Azimuthal symmetry has been veri ed for all arcjet operating conditions. The electron temperature data show that the near-anode plasma is highly nonequilibrium. Most of the current density and anode heating is located within 2 -4 mm of the constrictor exit, with the location affected more by mass ow rate than by arc current. The axial anode heating distribution is closely coupled to current density and accounts for ;18-24% of the total input power. Reasonable agreement between a numerical model and experimental results is found for a constant value of the electron inelastic energy-loss factor.
NomenclatureA eff = effective probe collection area, m 2 A p = geometric probe collection area, m 2 E = near-anode electric eld, V/mm E pl = electric eld in bulk plasma, V/mm e = electronic charge, C I = applied current to arcjet, A I e-sat = electron saturation current, mA I p = total probe current, mA j = current density, A/cm 2 j a = anode current density, A /cm 2 j th = thermal current density, A/cm 2 k = Boltzmann constant, J/K L = nozzle axial length, mm M i = reduced N 1 and H 1 mass, kg m Ç = propellant mass ow rate, mg /s m e = electron mass, kg n es = electron number density, m 2 3 n r = number density of species r, m 2 3 q e = anode heating by electrons, W/cm 2 r p = probe radius, mm T = temperature, K V = voltage, V W = anode tungsten material work function, eV a = degree of ionization « i = ionization potential, eV lD = Debye length, mm lrs = mean free path, mm l s = sheath thickness, mm f = potential, V