In Ralstonia eutropha H16, two genes, norA and norB, form a dicistronic operon that is controlled by the NO-responsive transcriptional regulator NorR. NorB has been identified as a membrane-bound NO reductase, but the physiological function of NorA is unknown. We found that, in a NorA deletion mutant, the promoter activity of the norAB operon was increased 3-fold, indicating that NorA attenuates activation of NorR. NorA shows limited sequence similarity to the oxygen carrier hemerythrin, which contains a di-iron center. Indeed, optical and EPR spectroscopy of purified NorA revealed the presence of a di-iron center, which binds oxygen in a similar way as hemerythrin.
Nitric oxide (NO)2 is an obligate intermediate of denitrification (1, 2), formed by the reduction of nitrite by nitrite reductases and subsequently converted to nitrous oxide by NO reductases. In the denitrifier Ralstonia eutropha H16, formation of the NO reductase NorB is controlled by NorR, an NObinding transcriptional activator (3, 4). The norB gene is cotranscribed with norA that encodes a protein of unknown function. Orthologs of NorA are present in many genomes of proteobacteria and firmicutes (5) and have been annotated as DnrN (Pseudomonas stutzeri), ScdA (Staphylococcus aureus), or YtfE (Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica). The expression of DnrN, ScdA, and YtfE has been shown to be up-regulated by NO or nitrosating agents (6 -9). The non-denitrifiers S. aureus, E. coli, and S. enterica, however, do not possess the norB gene, which demonstrates that norA-like genes do not necessarily co-occur with norB. The NO-dependent expression of norA and its coexpression with norB in R. eutropha suggest a function for NorA in NO metabolism. However, it was shown previously that a nonpolar in-frame deletion of the norA gene did not affect denitrification of R. eutropha cells in terms of growth, accumulation of nitrite or nitrous oxide, or formation of dinitrogen (4). In this study we report the purification and characterization of NorA from R. eutropha. We show that NorA is an NO-binding di-iron protein that modulates the NOresponsive expression of the norAB operon in denitrifying cells of R. eutropha.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESStrains and Plasmids-Strains and plasmids used in this study are listed in Table 1. E. coli JM109 was used for propagation of plasmids. E. coli S17-1 served as the donor in conjugative transfers. E. coli BL21(DE3) was used for overproduction of NorAhexahistidine fusion protein. Mutant strains of R. eutropha were constructed by a gene replacement strategy (15) using the suicide vector pLO1, and were verified by Southern blot analysis. The NorR, NorA, and NorB proteins referred to in this study are encoded by the norR1, norA1, and norB1 genes located on megaplasmid pHG1 of R. eutropha. A chromosomally encoded paralog nor gene cluster termed norR2A2B2 has not been extensively studied, but mutational analyses indicate that either of the two nor clusters is sufficient for denitrification (4).All R. eutropha strains used in this stu...