Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and optical absorption spectra of 0.5 mol% CuO doped xLi 2 O-(30 À x)Na 2 O-69.5B 2 O 3 (5 6 x 6 25) mixed alkali glasses have been investigated. The EPR spectra of all the investigated samples exhibit resonance signals characteristic of Cu 2+ ions in octahedral sites with tetragonal distortion. It is found that the spin-Hamiltonian parameters do not vary much with x. It is interesting to observe that the number of Cu 2+ ions participating in resonance (N) and its paramagnetic susceptibility (v) exhibits the mixed alkali effect with composition. It is observed that the temperature dependence of paramagnetic susceptibility (v) obeys Curie-Weiss law. The paramagnetic Curie temperature (h p ) is negative for the investigated sample, which suggests that the copper ions are antiferromagnetically coupled by negative super exchange interactions at very low temperatures. A broad band corresponding to the transition 2 B 1g ! 2 B 2g in the optical absorption spectrum shows a blue shift with x. By correlating the EPR and optical absorption data, the molecular orbital coefficients a 2 and b 2 1 have been evaluated. It is interesting to observe that the optical band gap (E opt ) and Urbach energies (DE) exhibit the mixed alkali effect. The theoretical values of optical basicity (K th ) have also been evaluated.