The intensity of the light emission from the STM tunneling junction between two metals is shown to depend exponentially on the tunneling distance. Assuming the exponential decay constant to be equal to the mean wave vector of the surface plasmons excited by the tunneling electrons, the plasmon phase velocity is estimated to be two times smaller than the Fermi velocity of the electrons. A new theoretical description of the light emission phenomenon based on a Cherenkov-like resonant interaction between the tunneling electrons and the surface plasmons is developed. npOAeMOHCTpHpOBaHa 3KCnOHeHL(HaJIbHaX 3aBHCAMOCTb UHTeHCHBHOCTU CBeTa U3 TYHHeJIbHOrO KOHTaKTa CTM OT BeJIAWiHbI TyHHeJIbHOrO 3a30pa. npeAn0JIOraX IIOKa3aTeJIb 3KCnOHeHTbI PaBHbIM CpenHeMy BOJIHOBOMY BeKTOpy IIOBepXHOCTHblX nJIa3MOHOB, IlOJIyreHa OUeHKa UX @a30908 CKOPOCTH. @a30BaX CKOPOCTb B nBa pa3a MeHbLIIe @epMHeBCKO% CKOPOCTH 3JIeKTpOHOB B 30JIOTe. Pa3B11T HOBbI8 IIOAXOAK TeOpeTMWCKOMy OnMCaHMH3 U3JIyYeHHXCBeTa 113 TYHHeJIbHOrO KOHTaKTa Ha 6a3epe30HaHC-HOrO B3aHMOH&CTBUX TyHHeJIHpjTOLWiX 3JIeKTpOHOB C IlOBePXHOCTHbIMH rIJIa3MOHaMH, IIOAO6HOrO 3@@eKTY YepeHKOBa. ') Pontoppidanstraede 103, DK-9220 Aalborg Oest, Denmark. ' ) On leave from the Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142092 Troitsk, Moscow obl., Russia. 18'