This paper presents the design and preliminary evaluation of small-pixel
CdTe gamma ray detectors equipped with a hybrid pixel-waveform (HPWF) readout
system for gamma ray imaging applications with additional discussion on CZT due
to its similarity. The HPWF readout system utilizes a pixelated anode readout
circuitry which is designed to only provide the pixel address. This readout
circuitry works in coincidence with a high-speed digitizer to sample the cathode
waveform which provides the energy, timing, and depth-of-interaction (DOI)
information. This work focuses on the developed and experimentally evaluated
prototype HPWF-CdTe detectors with a custom CMOS pixel-ASIC to readout small
anode pixels of 350 μm in size, and a discrete waveform sampling
circuitry to digitize the signal waveform induced on the large cathode. The
intrinsic timing, energy, and spatial resolution were experimentally evaluated
in this paper in conjunction with methods for depth of interaction (DOI)
partitioning of the CdTe crystal. While the experimental studies discussed in
this paper are primarily for evaluating HPWF detectors for small animal PET
imaging, these detectors could find their applications for ultrahigh-resolution
SPECT and other imaging modalities.