A bulk crystal of Yb:Sc 2 SiO 5 (Yb:SSO) with favorable thermal properties was successfully obtained by the Czochralski method. The energy level diagrams for Yb:SSO crystal were determined by optical spectroscopic analysis and semi-empirical crystal-field calculations using the simple overlap model. The full width at half maximum of the absorption band centering at 976 nm was calculated to be 24 nm with a peak absorption cross-section of 9. Table 1.As indicated in Table 1, Sc 2 SiO 5 crystal with characterizations of high thermal conductivity and negative refractive index is an excellent laser host [6]. However, the growth of Yb:Sc 2 SiO 5 single crystal with a large size is rather difficult mainly due to crystal diameter controlling [7,8]. Ivanov reported a transparent crystal slice with a diameter of 4 mm grown by the Czochralski method [9]. Furthermore, no laser action was reported on Yb:Sc 2 SiO 5 until now.In this letter, we report on the growth of 5 at. % Yb: Sc 2 SiO 5 with a large size of 25 mm in diameter, by imu Fax: +86-21-69987109, E-mail: xujun@mail.shcnc.ac.cn proving the growth conditions. The laser performances under diode-pumping are also presented. The segregation coefficient of Yb 3+ ion was detected by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Crystal structure was identified by X-ray diffractometry (Cu target, K α , X-pert, Hollland). The unpolarized absorption spectrum was measured with a UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer (Model V-570, JASCO) using Xe light as the pump source. The fluorescence spectrum was measured with a 940 nm pumping source (Jobin-Yvon TRIAX 550 spectrophotometer). A fluorescence lifetime measurement was carried out by a computer-controlled transient digitizer decay curve of emission. All measurements were performed at room temperature.