Abstract:The acidity and ket-no1 tautomerism of a series of symmetrical P-diketones (RCOCH2COR (1): R = methyl (a), phenyl (b), 3-pyridinyl (c), 4-pyridinyl(4, 3-(N-methy1)pyridinio (e), and 4-(Nrnethy1)pyridinio ( f ) ) and two series of unsymmetrical P-diketones (RCOCH2COCH, (7a-7fi and RCOCH,COC6H5 (8a4f )) have been investigated in aqueous solution at 25°C and ionic strength 0.1. Values of p K 2 were measured spectrophotometrically, and the acidities of the enols ( p m were obtained from the analysis of the pH dependence of the buffer catalysis for the general acid-catalyzed protonation of the enolate conjugate bases. These data in tum allowed the calculation of the acidities of the keto tautorners (p@) and the equilibrium constants for enolization (K, = [Enoll/ [Keto]). In general, KE is greater for the symmetrical ketones (1) than for the corresponding R-substituted unsymmetrical ketones (7 and 8). K, is much more sensitive to the nature of the R substituent in these three series of P-diketones than in the corresponding series of P-keto esters and amides. Correlations between for 8 and 7 combined with the known acidities of the corresponding P-keto esters and arnides provide the first accurate estimates of the acidities of dirnethyl malonate (pKa = 13.0) and malonarnide (pKa = 12.5) in aqueous solution.Key words: acidity, tautomerisrn, P-diketones. (8a4f)). On a rnesuri les pKaq spectrophotomCtriquement et on a dCterminC les acidids des Cnols ( p e ) par une analyse de la relation entre la dCpendance sur le pH de la catalyse du tampon sur la protonation par catalyse acide gCnCrale des bases conjuguCes Cnolates. Ces donnCes permettent ensuite de calculer les aciditCs des cCto-tautomtres et les constantes d9Cquilibre de 1'Cnolisation (KE = [Bnol:~/[~~tone]). En gCnCral, la valeur de KE est plus grande pour les cCtones symCtriques (1) que pour les cCtones non symttriques correspondantes substituies pardes groupes R (7 et 8). La valeur de KE est beaucoup plus sensible la nature du substituant R dans ces trois sCries de P-dicttones que dans les sCries correspondantes de P-cCtoamides. Des corrClations entre les valeurs des des composCs 7 et 8 cornbinCes avec les aciditCs connues des p-cktoesters et P-cCtoamides correspondants foumissent les prernisres Cvaluations prCcises des aciditks du malonate de dimCthyle (pKa = 13,O) et du malonarnide (pKa = 12,5) en solution aqueuse.