We present the evolutionary track of Beta Lyrae (β Lyr), an interacting eclipsing binary star, with orbital rotation period of 12.94 days, with one component known as the B-emission (Be) star. The primary star is a B6-B8II of 3M⊙ and the secondary is a 13M⊙ B0.5V star. The secondary star is embedded in the accretion disc produced by the infalling matter from the primary star, and this disc is estimated as the source of the emission lines. The evolution of the β Lyr system is simulated by using MESA software with the MESAbinary programming code. We obtain that the age of the binary system is 2.7 × 107 years, mass and radius of the primary component are M1 = 3.54M⊙, R1 = 16.1R⊙, and mass and radius of the secondary component are M2 = 13.1M⊙, R2 = 6.85R⊙.