A diode-pumped Yb: YVO 4 laser has been passively mode locked for the first time, to our knowledge. 120 fs pulses with an average output power of 300 mW and a peak power as high as 14.5 kW are obtained by use of a semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror for passive mode locking. The optical spectrum has a 10 nm bandwidth (full width at half-maximum) and is centered at 1021 nm. having a comparatively high thermal conductivity of 11 W / mK. However, the emission bandwidth of this material limited the pulse duration to 700-800 fs, or to 340 fs in a low-power laser.3 Much shorter pulses (near 100 fs and less) were obtained with a number of crystals with a broader emission band, such as Ybdoped KYW, KGW, GdCOB, BOYS, etc., 4-10 and with Yb:glass.11 However, these materials have a low thermal conductivity of approximately 2 -3 W / mK, which severely limits their potential for high-power operation. Recently, what is believed to be the first demonstration of a femtosecond laser based on Yb-doped CaF 2 , which has a thermal conductivity near 10 W / mK, was reported.12 Pulses as short as 150 fs were obtained with this crystal. Very recently, efficient continuous-wave laser operation has been demonstrated with the new laser crystal Yb: YVO 4 , 13,14 which exhibits strong absorption near 985 nm with a bandwidth [full width at half maximum (FWHM)] of ϳ9 nm (that is suitable for pumping by commercially available laser diodes), and a broad and smooth gain spectrum comparable to that of the crystals mentioned above. The thermal conductivity of yttrium vanadate crystals is 5.23 W / mK along the c axis and 5.10 W / mK along the a axis, 15 i.e., lower than in YAG; however, approximately 40% higher than, e.g., in the well-known KGW, 4 whereas the gain spectrum is smoother than for Yb: CaF 2 . Here we report for the first time to our knowledge on femtosecond pulse generation with a diode-pumped Yb: YVO 4 laser that is passively mode locked with a semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror (SESAM). 16,17 The laser experiments were carried out with a simple delta cavity (Fig. 1). To obtain good alignment stability, the laser cavity was designed to operate in stability zone I. 18 As the gain medium we used a 2 -mm-thick Yb: YVO 4 crystal with 3-at. % ytterbium concentration at Brewster incidence. The crystal orientation was chosen for polarization ͑E ʈ c͒ where the absorption and stimulated-emission cross sections have higher values than for polarization, as shown in our previous work.13 Absorption and stimulated-emission cross-section spectra are presented in Fig. 2. An 8-W continuous-wave (cw) fibercoupled diode laser with a core diameter of 100 m and a numerical aperture of 0.22 operated around 980 nm with a spectral bandwidth of 6 nm was used for longitudinal pumping of the gain medium along the a axis. Longitudinal pumping through spherically curved mirror M1 has problems because of the narrow spectral interval (of ϳ40 nm) between the pump and the laser wavelengths. Because we used a standard / 4 coating optimized for high reflectivi...