In any chemical environment – traditionally represented as a crystal field (CF), in which the donor atoms are represented by point charges – an
d subshell loses its fivefold degeneracy. The consequent splitting is described in detail for cubic (octahedral and tetrahedral) systems. The pure CF approach has serious shortcomings, but the effects of covalency can be accommodated without losing its simplicity altogether; this is often called
ligand field theory
(LFT). CF/LFT is important in the interpretation of the d–d spectra of complexes; the d–d states arising from cubic d
systems and their relative energies are analyzed, along with a discussion of the nephelauxetic effect. As examples of the analysis of d‐orbital splittings in noncubic complexes, chlorocuprates(II) and tetragonal tetraamminechromium(III) complexes are examined in detail, using the angular overlap and cellular ligand field models. Among applications of LFT, ligand field stabilization energy (LFSE) is useful in the rationalization of thermodynamic and kinetic observations. The Jahn–Teller effect is important in the structural chemistry of copper(II) especially.