Experimental and theoretical studies of the CN-Ar van der Waals complexExperimental detection and theoretical characterization of the H 2 -NH ( X ) van der Waals complexThe laser fluorescence excitation spectrum of the AlNe complex, in the vicinity of the Al atomic 3d←3p and 5s←3p atomic transitions, is reported. Transitions out of the vϭ0 vibrational levels of both lower-state spin-orbit levels, X 1 2 ⌸ 1/2 and X 2 2 ⌸ 3/2 , to vibrational levels of the C 2 ⌬, D 2 ⌸, and H 2 ⌺ ϩ AlNe electronic states were observed. From observations of the onset of excitation to the Al(3d)ϩNe dissociation continuum, dissociation energies for the various AlNe electronic states were determined. Ab initio calculations of AlNe electronic states correlating with the ground Al(3p)ϩNe atomic asymptote were also carried out. The X 1 2 ⌸ 1/2 and X 2 2 ⌸ 3/2 binding energies computed using the calculated AlNe͑X 2 ⌸, A 2 ⌺ ϩ ͒ potential energy curves were in reasonable agreement with the experimental determinations. The experimentally determined dissociation energy for the X 2 2 ⌸ 3/2 level is significantly larger than that of the ground X 1 2 ⌸ 1/2 level ͑D 0 ϭ32.3Ϯ0.3 and 14.1Ϯ0.3 cm Ϫ1 , respectively͒.