While the naturally occurring amino acids are not zwitterions in the vapor phase, they are in aqueous solutions, implying that water plays an important role in inducing zwitterion formation. Together, these observations inspire the question, ''How many water molecules are required to induce zwitterion formation in a given amino acid molecule?'' In this paper, we address this question in the context of mass spectrometric and size-selected photoelectron spectroscopic studies of hydrated amino acid anions. We utilize the facts that zwitterions possess very large dipole moments, and that excess electrons can bind to strong dipole fields to form dipole bound anions, which in turn display distinctive and recognizible photoelectron spectral signatures. The appearance of dipole-bound photoelectron spectra of hydrated amino acid anions, beginning at a given hydration number, thus signals the onset of greatly enhanced dipole moments there and, by implication, of zwitterion formation. We find that five water molecules are needed to transform glycine into its zwitterion, while four each are required for phenylalanine and tryptophan. Since the excess electron may also make a contribution to zwitterion stabilization, these numbers are lower limits for how many water molecules are needed to induce zwitterion formation in these amino acids when no extra ͑net͒ charges are involved.