The nuclei 218,220,222Th were investigated by conversion electron and y-ray spectroscopy after compound nucleus reactions of a4N with 2~ and 26'180 with 2~ The intense y-background from fission was suppressed by spectroscopy of conversion electrons and y-rays in coincidence with the evaporation residues or their e-decay. Level schemes were determined for 218Th up to U=10 + and for 22~ and 222Th up to U =15-. The observed structure of 218Th may be explained in the spherical shell model with residual interaction by two neutron excitation. For N>130 completely different level schemes are observed showing very intense, collective electric dipole transitions (B(E1)_~ 10 -2 W.u.) with energies of typically 200 keV. Interpretation in terms of stable octupole deformations of the ground state as well as in an cz-cluster picture are discussed.