Abstract.The cross section for the fine-structure excitation transfer Cs(6P~/2) --* Cs(6P3/2), induced by collisions with the ground state potassium atoms, has been measured by resonant Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy. The population densities of caesium 6Pj (J = 1/2, 3/2) levels were probed by thermionic detection of the collisionally ionized caesium atoms from the Cs(6Pj) -~ Cs(10S1/2) excitation channel. The cross section for the transfer process at the temperaoture T = 503 K 2 0 has been found to be o-(1/2 ~ 3/2) = 45 A + 20 Vo. The result is compared with previously published experimental cross sections for fine-structure transfer in resonance states of other alkali elements perturbed by potassium and a thoeretical value of the Li(2Pj)-K system calculated in a simple approach.
PACS:34.50; 32.00The present investigation on excitation energy transfer occuring in the Cs(6P1/2) + K(4S1/2) -~ Cs(6P3/2) + K(4Sz/2) collision process, is part of a series of systematic investigations of the coltisional energy transfer in mixed alkali vapours [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. To our knowledge, this process has never been investigated before. The data published so far in literature on cross sections for fine-structure mixing in alkalis induced by potassium include results for Na*-K [8, 9], K*-K [10-12], and Rb*-K [3] systems. However, these data are so scattered that, for example, a dependence of the cross sections on the fine-structure splittingAEfs of the resonance states can hardly be seen. The present results, although not completing the set of the data for alkali* -K systems, may help to answer the question of the o-vs. AEfs dependence. The missing data for Li*-K system, are very hard to obtain experimentally due to the spectral interference of the Li resonance lines with the potassium B-X molecular band. However, the data can be calculated quite reliably applying a simple but justified model [1, 6].The experimental arrangement, not shown explicitly, was similar to that reported previously [5]. A very small amount of caesium was added to the distilled potassium metal contained in the middle of the stainless steal heatpipe with Pyrex glass windows. The cental region of the heat-pipe was resistively heated to temperatures between 475 K and 530 K. Argon was used as a buffer gas, and its typical pressure, measured by MKS baratron manometer, was 53 Pa. In the experimental temperature range the metal-vapour pressure varied from 1.6 to 9.8 Pa, i.e., the heat-pipe was not operated in heat-pipe mode. In order to utilize the heat-pipe for the thermionic detection of the collisionally produced ions [13], a molybdenum filament 0.25 mm in diameter was built in.Caesium atoms were excited to the 6P1/2 state by the radiation from single-mode frequency stabilized laser diode (Mitsubishi ML 2701, 2 = 895 nm at 24 °C, maximal power: 8 roW). The laser beam was expanded and after passing through the circular aperture (diameter: 2 ram) its power was attenuated by neutral density filters. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of th...