Background & Method: This study was conducted in 56 children in age group of 02 months to 14 years with Echocardio graphically proved Ventricular Septal Defect, over a period of 01 and a half year, after taking consent from the parents and explaining them the purpose and method of this study.
Result: Out of these 27 patients in 2 to 6 months age group, 11 were large VSDs, 16 were moderate VSDs and 2 were small VSDs. Out of 17 patients in age group 6 to 12 months, 10 patients were large VSDs, 5 patients had moderate VSDs and 3 patients were with small VSDs.
Among patients with moderate VSDs only 4out of 25 patients had signs of right ventricular hypertrophy (16%). Left ventricular hypertrophy was evident clinically in 24 patients out of 25 (96%) & obviously no patients had biventricular hypertrophy. A loud ESM was heard (grade II-IV).
Conclusion: Clinical examination can also suggest LVH in moderate VSD & sometimes BVH in large VSD, Palpable P2 and loud P2 are very important findings that suggest pulmonary hypertension. Pansystolic murmur is heard in small-moderate VSD and ESM in large VSD. Complications like CCF, pulmonary hypertension, malnutrition and FTT are mostly present in moderate-large VSD. Chest x-ray suggests cardiomegaly, plethora and also enlargement of PA segment in moderate –large VSD.
Keywords: ECG, Clinico-radiological, VSD & Severity.
Study Designed: Observational Study.