Based on a contact Lagrangian that incorporates the SU(3) flavor and SU(2) spin symmetries, we discuss the symmetry properties of the interactions among the heavy flavor meson-baryon PψN, PψsΛ (with quark components [nc¯][nnc], [sc¯][nnc], or [nc¯][nsc]) systems and dibaryon HΩcccN, HΩcccsΛ (with quark components [nnc][ncc], [nnc][scc], or [nsc][ncc]) systems (n=u, d). The light quark components of the PψN (PψsΛ) and HΩcccN (HΩcccsΛ) systems have identical flavors, the interactions generated from the exchanges of light mesons in the PψN (PψsΛ) systems should be very similar to that of the HΩcccN (HΩcccsΛ) systems. We perform the single-channel and multichannel calculations on the PψN/PψsΛ/HΩcccN/HΩcccsΛ systems and introduce the SU(3) breaking effect to identify the different mass spectra among the PψN (HΩcccN) and PψsΛ (HΩcccsΛ) systems. We suggest two kinds of evidences for the existence of the flavor-spin symmetry among the heavy flavor PψN/HΩcccN/PψsΛ/HΩcccsΛ molecule community, i.e., the mass arrangements of the PψN/HΩcccN/PψsΛ/HΩcccsΛ mass spectra and the binding energies of the heavy flavor meson-baryon (dibaryon) systems attributed to the same contact potentials.
Published by the American Physical Society