The cause of unnatural deaths in females differ from that of males. Unnatural death is an intentional (hanging, poison ingestion) or unintentional death (road traffic accidents) as a result of external factors. The socioeconomic differences in lifestyle are associated with differences in attitudes towards life and hence accordingly the incidence of physical violence, suicides are encountered. There is an increasing incidence of traffic accidents among females in recent years, this may be a result of development in education and ocupational opportunities for female sex. A total of 70 cases were analysed, in analysing religion 60 (85.71%) cases belong to Hindu religion. 62 (88.57%) cases were married, 55 (78.57%) cases were house wife, 49 (70%) cases were illiterate, 20 (28.57%)cases was seen in 61-70 years of age group, road traffic accidents 16 (22.85%) cases were noted. Distribution and causes of unnatural female deaths in present study is not similar to the pattern found in most of the other Indian studies The present study revealed that the unintentional trauma, mainly the road traffic accidents are responsible for unnatural deaths of females i.e pedestrian and pillion riders. This highlights the importance of timely interventions of road safety measures.