Abstract-Recent research prove that device-to-device (D2D) communications offer substantial gain through enhancing throughput and spectral efficiency as well as widening coverage area of cellular network. However, from security perspective, performance of such network has not been well investigated. With this motive and inspired by stochastic geometry approach, we provide secrecy rate analysis for D2D-enabled cellular network under Rayleigh fading channels. The minimum distance among mobile users is used to characterise the retention probability and hence, density of D2D nodes. Moreover, a fraction of the total transmitted power from D2D nodes is allocated to radiate artificial noise (AN) to degrade the eavesdroppers channel. Under such conditions, the closed-form expressions for the probability of achieving non-zero secrecy capacity for the uplink channel between user-equipment and cellular base-station in the presence of D2D nodes and eavesdropper(s). Throughout the paper, we consider the following eavesdropping strategies: (a) a single eavesdropper case; (b) multiple eavesdroppers that can cooperatively cancel the interference; (c) multiple cooperative eavesdroppers that can cooperatively cancel both the interference and AN; and (d) the case of cooperative colluding eavesdroppers. The derived expressions are validated via simulation as a function of antenna gain, eavesdropper density, D2D hard-core distance and D2D node density.