A b s t r a c t : In this paper, we present tlic algoritlini for design of an aiialysis-by-syntlicsis based niulti-pulse excited / long-tcrui prediction type LPC speech codcr anti discuss its real-tiiiie inipleincntation using the state-of-art I\DSP 2101 Digital SignalProcessor. The important features of this speech coder are attributed to the use of (i) an cficiciit search algoritli~ii for c o~i iputing the pulse locations and amplitudn involved, (ii) Sigrii,h-Delta bascd 16-bit codcc-filter VLSI chip : A D 2Snisp02 acting at front and back ends (iii) perceptual weighting filter and (;v) au cfIicienl output post-processing filter. A detailed objective and subjective evaluation of tlie speech coder is being carried out.