Substantial trenching capacity, communication capabilities, simple configuration, and so on are just a few of the many benefits that make Hydraulic Control Systems (HCS) the context of physical devices used within the geotechnical trench. These characteristics have led to widespread application in developing water conservation and hydroelectric technology, architectural construction, local construction, and other technology. In this article, the engineering robot arm proposed an HCS. Subsequently, a digital version of the functional device is constructed using Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS), a simulation program, by incorporating associated restrictions and workload. With the help of a simulation model of the HCS's functioning apparatus, this research obtains the fundamental factors of the excavator's operating range and the pressured condition variation curve of the location of every Hydraulic Actuator (HA). The findings, which provide a conceptual framework and enhancements for the control system equipment, significantly raise the bar on China's excavator architecture, expand digger efficiency, and foster the firm's fast growth. An in-depth examination of the HCS's current operating condition, including an examination of the simulated model's transmission phase, can be determined. The findings provide a theoretical foundation for designing an optimal HCS.