Western Europe is the region with the highest density of published speleothem δ 18 O (δ 18 O spel ) records worldwide. Here, we review these records in light of the recent publication of the Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL) database. We investigate how representative the spatial and temporal distribution of the available records is for climate in Western Europe and review potential sites and strategies for future studies. We show that spatial trends in precipitation δ 18 O are mirrored in the speleothems, providing means to better constrain the factors influencing δ 18 O spel at a specific location. Coherent regional δ 18 O spel trends are found over stadial-interstadial transitions of the last glacial, especially in high altitude Alpine records, where this has been attributed to a strong temperature control of δ 18 O spel . During the Holocene, regional trends are less clearly expressed, due to lower signal-to-noise ratios in δ 18 O spel , but can potentially be extracted with the use of statistical methods. This first assessment highlights the potential of the European region for speleothem palaeoclimate reconstruction, while underpinning the importance of knowing local factors for a correct interpretation of δ 18 O spel . Quaternary 2018, 1, 30 2 of 30and AnaLysis (SISAL) database (SISAL_v1) contains 376 speleothem records from across the globe [3]. About a quarter of these records (92) are from Western Europe, making it the region with the highest density of published speleothem datasets worldwide [3]. This paper reviews these records within the wider (palaeo-)climatic context of Western Europe, with the objective to identify and promote the potential of cave sites in the region for future palaeoclimate studies. Moreover, we test the suitability of a large compilation of speleothem records to reveal the existence of regional trends in space and time [4].While early studies on Western European speleothems principally focused on their availability for temperature reconstruction using δ 18 O of the carbonate [5,6], it was quickly recognised that δ 18 O spel is driven by a complex interplay of regional and site-specific factors, such as moisture source and circulation dynamics, amount of precipitation, dripwater residence time in the overlying karst, cave temperature and ventilation dynamics, and potential kinetic effects during carbonate deposition [7,8]. Due to the filtering effect of the soil-karst system, the δ 18 O spel signal is usually strongly temporally attenuated compared to precipitation δ 18 O, and affected to varying degrees by local noise [4]. This is particularly pronounced at mid-latitude sites and over the Holocene, when ranges in δ 18 O spel are typically small (average standard deviation of Western European δ 18 O spel in SISAL_v1 is 0.36 ) and reflect only moderate climate shifts, as is apparent from other palaeoclimatic evidence (e.g., [9]). Over glacial-interglacial timescales, changes in the seasonality of precipitation and the spatial stationarity of climate patterns need...