ABSTRACT. The gonadal structure and gametogenesis of Loricaria lentiginosa Isbrücker, 1979 were studied through anatomical and histological techniques. Forty two males and ten females in maturation/mature stage were captured in the reservoir of Porto Colombia, Paraná river basin, Minas Gerais, using gill nets, from November 2001 to October 2002 (tri-monthly captures). Examination of the testes revealed that they were paired, elongated and not fringed organs. Histologically, the testes presented three distinct regions: cranial espermatogenic; transistion espermatogenic and secretory; and caudal exclusively secretory. Standard histochemical techniques detected neutral glycoproteins from the secretion of the tubules of the caudal region. Espermatogenesis occurred in cysts throughout the whole extension of the wall of the seminiferous tubules, which anastomosis themselves and liberated the spermatozoa into the lumen of the espermatic ducts. The ovaries were paired, saculiformes and, histologically, they presented ovigerous lamellae that contained the cells of ovogenic ancestry. The oocytes were classified into four stages, based on their cytological characteristics and the cell layers that surrounded them. Post-ovulatory follicles and vitelogenic oocytes in the follicular atresia process also were observed.