The knowledge about amphibians in particular its Amazonian Brazilian portion has a constant growth, mainly in the regions of Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Amapá and the Guyana shield, but few contemplate Savanna of Amazonian areas. Rio Curiau Environmental Protection Area (Rio Curiau EPA) to be inserted in an urban matrix suffers from pressure, which makes necessary the elaboration of environmental education work emphasizing the relationship between the use and impacts of local communities as a way to enlighten and educate the community about the importance of preserving this area. The overall objective of the study was to determine the diversity frogs adults and larvae in Rio Curiaú EPA. The paper was conducted in 15 temporary ponds (six ponds of Savanna and nine in ponds with edge in contact with the forest) from May to September-2013 and February to August-2014, during which the water ponds remained. The adult amphibians have been recorded through the search method enables visual and auditory, the larvae through sieve and the perception by the structured interview method. Four families, 12 genera and 28 species of anurans were registered, and only 18 of these species had their larvae registered for the EPA, which represents high species richness compared with studies carried out in other areas of the Savanna of Amapá state. The PCA analysis indicated a significant variation for the species of larvae, occurring the contrary to adults, showing that they are independent of the environment throughout the area, while the larvae showed distinct composition between savanna and ponds edge in contact with the forest. However, Betadisper analysis showed the heterogeneity for adults and not for the larvae. The space and the environmental variables together 68.26% of variance explained, thus the mosaic of Savanna, forest islands and lowland forests in the EPA is of great importance for the maintenance and conservation of amphibians. Although most of the residents know that amphibians are important for the environment, yet they cannot describe the problems the lack of these animals can cause to the environment and the community. Finally, the study is fundamental importance to enlarge the knowledge of amphibians to the State of Amapá. In addition to providing data that can subsidize political studies of conservation and environmental education especially in regions considered sampling gaps as the Savanna of Amazonian.