A contribution to the special feature 'Perspectives in astrophysical and geophysical fluids' . is the system scale magnetic Reynolds number and D is the length scale of the system. On scales well above L X , magnetostrophic convection dynamics should not be possible. Only on scales smaller than L X should it be possible for the convective behaviours to follow the predictions for the magnetostrophic branch of convection. Because L X is significantly smaller than the system scale in most dynamo models, their large-scale flows should be quasi-geostrophic, as is confirmed in many dynamo simulations. Estimating Λ o 1 and Rm o 10 3 in Earth's core, the cross-over scale is approximately 1/1000 that of the system scale, suggesting that magnetostrophic convection dynamics exists in the core only on small scales below those that can be characterized by geomagnetic observations.