Sawers, M.A.R., S.M.O. El-Bishlawy, M.F. Hassan and G.M.S. Sallam. 2023. The First Record of Ero aphana (Araneae: Mimetidae) in Egypt. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 41(1): 15-17. This investigation presents a new record, Ero aphana (Walckenaer, 1802) (Araneae: Mimetidae) in the Egyptian fauna. It was found in the Experimental Station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza Governorate, Egypt on grapefruit trees (Citrus paradise) on October 1, 2018. Six Specimens; one male and five Juveniles of E. aphana were collected and identified. In addition, notes on the description, environmental conditions and collection data of this species are given. Photos of general habitus and palpal organ of the male and measurements of leg segments are illustrated. Keywords: Araneae, Mimetidae, Ero aphana, new record, Egypt