Electroencephalographic (EEG) investigations are crucial in the diagnosis and management of patients with focal epilepsies. EEG may reveal different interictal epileptiform discharges (IED: spikes, sharp waves). The EEG visibility of spike depends on the surface area of cortex involved (>10cm 2) and the brain localisation of cortical generators. Regions generating IED (defining the "irritative zone") are not necessarily equivalent to the seizure onset zone. Focal seizures are dynamic processes originating from one or several brain regions (generating fast oscillations and called "epileptogenic zone") before to spread to other structures (generating lower frequency oscillations and called "propagation zone"). Several factors limit the expression of seizures on scalp EEG, such as area involved, degree of synchronization and depth of the cortical generators. Different scalp EEG seizure onset patterns may be observed: fast discharge, background flattening, rhythmic spikes, sinusoidal discharge, or sharp activity but to a large extent EEG changes are linked to seizure propagation. Finally, in the context of presurgical evaluation, the combination of interictal and ictal EEG features is crucial to provide optimal hypothesis about the epileptogenic zone.