S , and So states for the porphyrin, E,, and End are the first oxidation potential of the donor and the first reduction potential of the acceptor in CHIC]?. R' and Rare the radii of D and A (R+(P)=5.0, R-(Im)=3.5, R-(C,,) = 4.4 A), R,, is the distance between the centers of the two moieties (Rcc(P-Im) = 12.3, Rcc(P-C,) = 23.5 A), and E, and E, are static dielectric constants of solvent used and, when measured, the redox potentials (E,= 7.4 in THFand E,= 8.9 in CH2C12). In dioxane the Born equation does not give correct values for ACT because of an overestimation of the polarity. Therefore, the value of AGs=0.40eV in dioxane is used tentatively, assuming that the value of AGs for this system is identical to that of porphyrin-linked quinones: T. Asahi, M. Ohkohchi, R. Matsusaka, N.