-Starting from the formal expressions of the hydrodynamical (or "local") quantities employed in the applications of Clifford Algebras to quantum mechanics, we introduce -in terms of the ordinary tensorial framework-a new definition for the field of a generic quantity. By translating from Clifford into tensor algebra, we also propose a new (non-relativistic) velocity operator for a spin 1 2 particle. This operator is the sum of the ordinary part p/m describing the mean motion (the motion of the center-of-mass), and of a second part associated with the so-called zitterbewegung, which is the spin "internal" motion observed in the center-of-mass frame. This spin component of the velocity operator is non-zero not only in the Pauli theoretical framework, i.e. in presence of external magnetic fields and spin precession, but also in the Schrödinger case, when the wave-function is a spin eigenstate. In the latter case, one gets a decomposition of the velocity field for the Madelung fluid into two distinct parts: which constitutes the non-relativistic analogue of the Gordon decomposition for the Dirac current. We find furthermore that the zitterbewegung motion involves a velocity field which is solenoidal, and that the local angular velocity is parallel to the spin vector. In presence of a non-constant spin vector (Pauli case) we have, besides the component normal to spin present even in the Schrödinger theory, also a component of the local velocity which is parallel to the rotor of the spin vector. †