Tight-binding models for the recently observed surface electronic bands of SrTiO3 and KTaO3 are analyzed with a view to bringing out the relevance of momentum-space chiral angular momentum structures of both orbital and spin origins. Depending on the strength of electric field associated with inversion symmetry breaking at the surface, the orbital and the accompanying spin angular momentum structures reveal complex linear and cubic dependencies in the momentum k (linear and cubic Rashba effects, respectively) in a band-specific manner. Analytical expressions for the cubic orbital and spin Rashba effects are derived by way of unitary transformation technique we developed, and compared to numerical calculations. Due to the C4v symmetry of the perovskite structure the cubic Rashba effect appears as in-plane modulations. The discovery of surface electronic states in strontium titanate (SrTiO 3 )[1, 2] has stirred great excitement at the time the material is being viewed as a critical component of the emerging field of oxide electronics [3]. The origin of surface states in SrTiO 3 and a related material KTaO 3 [4, 5] (STO and KTO for short, respectively) is currently under active investigation [5,6]. Both materials' surface states originate from t 2g -orbitals whose relevant tight-binding parameters for the electronic structure are largely determined, including the one pertaining to the degree of inversion symmetry breaking (ISB) at the surface [5,6].Several features make STO and KTO surface states an ideal ground for the study of Rashba-related phenomena. First is the way that Rashba effects would play out among the several observed bands of differing orbital characters. ARPES measurements up to now [1, 2, 4, 5] did not clearly resolve the Rashba-split bands, presumably due to the smallness of the predicted Rashba parameter [7]. Transport measurements do reveal the Rashba term, of cubic order in momentum, through analysis of the orientation-dependent magneto-resistance data on STO surface [8,9]. Existing theories treat Rashba effects of t 2g -derived bands phenomenologically [6, 10] and cannot, for instance, explain the complex band-specific spin and orbital angular momentum structures observed in the electronic structure calculation [7].It has recently been argued that multi-orbital bands, subject to the surface ISB electric field, must give rise to an entity called the chiral orbital angular momentum (OAM) in momentum space [11,12]. The argument remains valid as long as the crystal field splitting does not quench the multi-orbital degrees of freedom in a given band structure. Such conditions seem to be well met in both STO and KTO, leading to the term ∼ k × E · L where L is the OAM operator for t 2g -orbitals, k is the linear momentum, and E is the surface-normal electric field. The effect was dubbed "orbital Rashba effect" [11] in analogy to the similar chiral structure of spins on the surface [13]. It was shown that pre-existing chiral OAM structure implies the linear Rashba effect upon the inclusion of spin-orb...